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Version 1.16 Released — meet enhanced rules creation interface and new collection

New rules creation interface.

New rules creation interface.

Feeds Fun 1.16 is now live!

This update features a completely redesigned rules creation interface, a new collection, and various other enhancements.

What's new

Simplified rules creation

The previous rules creation interface was confusing and not very user-friendly. It served us well during the first year, but it's time to upgrade.

The rules creation form has been moved to the tags filter (previously located in the entry tags list).

  • Now, you can preview the filtered news that the new rule will apply to.
  • Rules now support excluding specific tags. For example, you can create a rule that excludes news with the science tag.
  • Tags under the news caption now function the same way as tags in the tags filter.

Improved news page interface

  • Text has been increased in size for better readability.
  • Only one news item body can be opened at a time.
  • News page performance has been improved by 2-3 times.
  • Removed the button to show all tags for a news item. Now, you can view tags by simply opening the news item body.

Export your feeds to an opml file

On the feeds page, you can now export all your feeds to an OPML file. This is useful if you want to switch to another reader or create a backup.

New collection

New collections have been added for users interested in entrepreneurship and startups.

Fixed Reddit feeds discovery

The new Reddit interface lacks links to news feeds. Therefore, custom processing has been added for URLs on domains.

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